Auto insurance can include a wide range of coverage, from liability-only to coverage that will fix the smallest dent or scratch on your car's paint job. With auto insurance being required by law in many places, you may be confused as to what kind of coverage you need. This article will explain the basics and help you learn what you need to know about car insurance. Being a careful driver can really save you money on insurance. Obviously, insurers would rather insure good drivers and will provide lower rates for good drivers, but did you know that causing an accident can make your insurance rates nearly double? It is abundantly clear that driving safely is one of the best ways to keep your insurance rates low! To get the most for your money when pricing automobile insurance, be sure to consider the extras that are included with some policies. You can save on towing costs with emergency roadside assistance that is included by some insurers. Others may offer discounts for good drivers or including more than one car on your policy. A simple way to save a bit of money on your auto insurance, is to find out whether the insurance company gives discounts for either paying the entire premium at once (most will give you a small discount for doing this) or taking payments electronically. Either way, you will pay less than shelling out each month's payment separately. One of the best ways to get great deals on automobile insurance is to speak to someone in person or at least on the phone. Insurance is automated and very easy to get online, but actually speaking with someone allows for the back-and-forth Q "�n' A session that may introduce you to some discounts you did not previously know about. It is vital that when making an automobile accident claim, that you have all the information available for the insurance company. Without it, your claim may not go through. Some things you need to have ready for them include the make and year of the car you got into an accident with, how many people were in each car, what kinds of injuries were sustained, and where and when it happened. Know different coverage options, and check to be sure your insurance provides the best coverage. Liability is important both for damage you cause to other people, and damage you cause to yourself or your own property. Other types of coverage that you need include protection from uninsured drivers and damage from fire or other disasters. With many insurance companies, teenagers have to pay more for auto insurance. This is because they are considered to be high risk drivers. In order to make auto insurance more affordable for teenagers, it may be wise to put them on the same insurance as a more experienced drive, such as their mother or father. You might be able to save on auto insurance by obtaining a bundled insurance package. Search for these types of offers, especially those that bundle auto and homeowners insurance. Ensure you are paying an affordable rate for good coverage as sometimes two sets of insurance is the better option. Write down a list of each discount your insurance company offers. Go through that list and put a check mark next to any that apply to you. You might be surprised at how much you can save by claiming discounts. If you want to avoid paying a high premium, don't drive a flashy car. Sports cars and other high performance vehicles, often have premiums that are two or three times larger than that of a standard car. You should also research commonly stolen vehicles and be sure to avoid them. Most insurance companies will charge significantly more to insure these types of cars. When you go hunting for car insurance bargains, do not neglect your employer as a potential source of discounts. Many companies - even relatively small ones - have arrangements with insurers to get volume discounts for their employees. If your employer has such a program in place, you might realize significant savings by taking advantage of it. To ensure you continue to get the best possible car insurance, it is wise to do a little comparison shopping against your current policy from time to time. Doing this about a month before your policy renews is a great strategy. This allows you to take advantage of a better offer or use it to negotiate a new rate with your current insurer. When trying to get affordable auto insurance, keep in mind your state's minimum liability coverage requirements. You need to know what minimums to obtain so that you can get a policy that matches these particular minimums. You can find a list of your state's minimums at your state's insurance commissioner's website. Consider switching your current insurance to a lower coverage policy to save a few more dollars. Depending on your state's insurance requirements and if you are leasing or renting to own a vehicle, you may be able to lower your insurance coverage to save a little extra money each month. If you finance your vehicle, your lender may have requirements governing the level of auto insurance you must maintain during the duration of the loan. Generally, the requirements relate to how high you can have your deductible. Check with your lender before signing a new policy to avoid any conflicts. Ask your auto insurance company if they will give you a discount, due to whatever your chosen profession is. Some companies give rate discounts to customers who work in certain fields because they feel that you are a lower risk, due to your skills or the way that you may live your life. You can protect your car, yourself, and your passengers with the right car insurance coverage. Without it, you could find yourself in serious debt should an accident occur, and possibly even on the wrong side of the law. With the knowledge you have gained from this article, you are now well prepared to look for car insurance.
Auto insurance can include a wide range of coverage, from liability-only to coverage that will fix the smallest dent or scratch on your car's paint job. With auto insurance being required by law in many places, you may be confused as to what kind of coverage you need. This article will explain the basics and help you learn what you need to know about car insurance. Being a careful driver can really save you money on insurance. Obviously, insurers would rather insure good drivers and will provide lower rates for good drivers, but did you know that causing an accident can make your insurance rates nearly double? It is abundantly clear that driving safely is one of the best ways to keep your insurance rates low! To get the most for your money when pricing automobile insurance, be sure to consider the extras that are included with some policies. You can save on towing costs with emergency roadside assistance that is included by some insurers. Others may offer discounts for good drivers or including more than one car on your policy. A simple way to save a bit of money on your auto insurance, is to find out whether the insurance company gives discounts for either paying the entire premium at once (most will give you a small discount for doing this) or taking payments electronically. Either way, you will pay less than shelling out each month's payment separately. One of the best ways to get great deals on automobile insurance is to speak to someone in person or at least on the phone. Insurance is automated and very easy to get online, but actually speaking with someone allows for the back-and-forth Q "�n' A session that may introduce you to some discounts you did not previously know about. It is vital that when making an automobile accident claim, that you have all the information available for the insurance company. Without it, your claim may not go through. Some things you need to have ready for them include the make and year of the car you got into an accident with, how many people were in each car, what kinds of injuries were sustained, and where and when it happened. Know different coverage options, and check to be sure your insurance provides the best coverage. Liability is important both for damage you cause to other people, and damage you cause to yourself or your own property. Other types of coverage that you need include protection from uninsured drivers and damage from fire or other disasters. With many insurance companies, teenagers have to pay more for auto insurance. This is because they are considered to be high risk drivers. In order to make auto insurance more affordable for teenagers, it may be wise to put them on the same insurance as a more experienced drive, such as their mother or father. You might be able to save on auto insurance by obtaining a bundled insurance package. Search for these types of offers, especially those that bundle auto and homeowners insurance. Ensure you are paying an affordable rate for good coverage as sometimes two sets of insurance is the better option. Write down a list of each discount your insurance company offers. Go through that list and put a check mark next to any that apply to you. You might be surprised at how much you can save by claiming discounts. If you want to avoid paying a high premium, don't drive a flashy car. Sports cars and other high performance vehicles, often have premiums that are two or three times larger than that of a standard car. You should also research commonly stolen vehicles and be sure to avoid them. Most insurance companies will charge significantly more to insure these types of cars. When you go hunting for car insurance bargains, do not neglect your employer as a potential source of discounts. Many companies - even relatively small ones - have arrangements with insurers to get volume discounts for their employees. If your employer has such a program in place, you might realize significant savings by taking advantage of it. To ensure you continue to get the best possible car insurance, it is wise to do a little comparison shopping against your current policy from time to time. Doing this about a month before your policy renews is a great strategy. This allows you to take advantage of a better offer or use it to negotiate a new rate with your current insurer. When trying to get affordable auto insurance, keep in mind your state's minimum liability coverage requirements. You need to know what minimums to obtain so that you can get a policy that matches these particular minimums. You can find a list of your state's minimums at your state's insurance commissioner's website. Consider switching your current insurance to a lower coverage policy to save a few more dollars. Depending on your state's insurance requirements and if you are leasing or renting to own a vehicle, you may be able to lower your insurance coverage to save a little extra money each month. If you finance your vehicle, your lender may have requirements governing the level of auto insurance you must maintain during the duration of the loan. Generally, the requirements relate to how high you can have your deductible. Check with your lender before signing a new policy to avoid any conflicts. Ask your auto insurance company if they will give you a discount, due to whatever your chosen profession is. Some companies give rate discounts to customers who work in certain fields because they feel that you are a lower risk, due to your skills or the way that you may live your life. You can protect your car, yourself, and your passengers with the right car insurance coverage. Without it, you could find yourself in serious debt should an accident occur, and possibly even on the wrong side of the law. With the knowledge you have gained from this article, you are now well prepared to look for car insurance.

7 Penjara Paling Menakutkan Di Dunia

Penjara di bangun untuk menghukum para penjahat selain mereka di hukum para napi di penjara juga di bekali beberapa kemampuan agar mereka setelah keluar dari penjara tidak melakukan kejahatan kembali dan dapat berwira usaha dan mandiri namun 7 penjaara berikut mungkin akan menjadi sosok yang sagat di takuti para napai untuk mejalani hukuman di penara sebap ke 7 penjara berikut memperlakukan napinya secara kejam danberutal kamu mau tahu penjara apa aja itu simak 7 Penjara Paling Menakutkan Di Dunia berikut ini.
1.Carandiru Prison: (Brasil)
Penjara Carandiru, Brasil, paling brutal di dunia
Penjara ini sempat membuat heboh dunia sebat terjadi kerusuhan besar yang melibatkan antar geng di dalam penjara tersebut pada tahun 1992,  untuk menghentikan kerusuhan yag terjadi antar napi pihak kepolisian Brasil menurunkan pasukan lengkap dengan senjata berpluru tajam alhasil pembataiyan masal pun terjadi di dalam penjara ini  Ratusan korban berjatuhan, 103 (ada yg menyebut 111 napi).

2. Bang Kwang Prison (Thailand)
Penjara Bang Kwang, Thailand
Penjara ini lebih dikenal sebagai  Bangkok Hilton”. Penjara ini boleh dibilang sudah tidak layak lagi, selain penuh sesak, juga kekurangan tenaga sipir. Para napinya dirantai. Kabarnya banyak napi jadi gila akibat stress melewati bulan bulan pertama di tahanan itu.
Standar pelayanan di penjara ini sangat minim sekali sebut saja pelayanan kesehatan napi yang sakit di penjara ini akan di biarkan meringkuk kesakitan hingga mati
3. ADX Florence Supermax Prison: (Colorado)
adx supermax, florence, colorado
Penjara ini di banguan akibat adanya serangan para sipir oleh napi di penjara yang ada di seluruh amerika, untuk mengamankan para sipir dari serangan para napi penjara ini mengunakan sitem kemanan yang sagat ketat para napi di penjara ini akan merasakan tekanan metal dan depresi setres sebapa meraka para napai tidak di izinkan keluar dari ruang tahanan dan harus menghabisakan waktu di dalam sel.
Menjadi narapida di ADX adalah suatu mimpi buruk tak tak terlupakan bagi mereka. Di sasna mereka menerima kondisi paling jelek dari yg terjelek.  Selama 13 tahun beroperasi, dua orang tawanan dikabarkan mati terbunuh di ADX Florence. Salah satunya Lawrence Klaker. Ada yg menyebut dia mati ditembak, tp ada juga yg bilang bunuh diri.
4. Alcatraz Island Prison: (San Francisco, CA)
Penjara ini lebih di kenal sebagai “The Rock”, atau “Devil’s Island” di bangun pada tahun  1920-an segala ketidaknyaman ada di penjara ini letaknya yang berada di tengah pulau membuat para napai terputus kontak antar keluarga bukan hanya itu para napi juga harus mendapatkan tekanan mental kejamnya para sipir dan kepala sipir membuat peraturan yang sunguh tidak manusiawai sebut saja meraka di larang saling bercakap cakap antar napi jika ketahuan meraka akan di ahajar banyak napai yang gila di dalam penjara akibat tekanan mental ini semua hak asasi manusia telah di langar di penajara ini dan pada tahun  1963 penjara ini di tutup untuk selamanya.
5.San Quentin Prison: (San Quentin, California)
Pada tahun 1930′a an pengelolan penjara ini penuh dengan korupsi sampai lah muncul di rketur baru penjara yang membawa perubahan terhadap penjara ini namun seblum direktur baru ini merubah penjara ini perlakuan burukyang diterima oleh para napai sunguh tidak manusiawi Kepala mereka dibotaki dan dipaksa memakai seragam yg diberi nomor, mereka makan dengan wadah ember2. Menghuni sel sempit tanpa diberi lampu. Di penjara ini nyawa tidak ada harganya. Kerusuhan antar ras kerap terjadi.Rasio antara penjaga penjara dan napi tidak sebanding, itu sebabnya banyak hal terjadi diluar kontrol.
6. Rikers Island Prison: (Rikers Island, New York)

Penyiksan brutal para napi membuat penjara ini menjadi terkenal  Pada 2007, tawanan Charles Afflic mengalami penyiksaan yg berlebihan dari penjaga penjara sehingga harus menjalani pembedahan otak. Sebanyak 6 napi bunuh diri di selnya krn tak tahan dgn suasana penjara yg menekan, pada 2003.
7. La Sante Prison: (Paris, Perancis)

Sama dengan penjara penjara kejam lainya nyawa di dalam penjara ini tidak memiliki nilai sedikit pun, perlakuan kejam dan berutal para sipir penjara terhadap para napai membuat para napai menjadi tersiksa dan tertekan  dan ahkurnya membuat para napai menjadi gila dan stress. Sungguh ironis dengan arti kata ‘ La Sante’ yg berarti health (kesehatan) dalam bahasa Inggris. Karena pada kenyataannya hidup di sana sungguh tdk sehat. Perbudakan antar sipir ke napi, napi ke sesama napi, sudah menjadi biasa. Kasus perkosaan antar sesama napi sangat tinggi dan terjadi setiap hari. Tak heran kalo banyak napi tak tahan akhirnya bunuh diri, atau menjadi gila. Sepanjang tahun 2002 dikabarkan terjadi 122 kasus bunuh diri napi. Disusul 73 napi pada pertengahan 2003.
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