Auto insurance can include a wide range of coverage, from liability-only to coverage that will fix the smallest dent or scratch on your car's paint job. With auto insurance being required by law in many places, you may be confused as to what kind of coverage you need. This article will explain the basics and help you learn what you need to know about car insurance. Being a careful driver can really save you money on insurance. Obviously, insurers would rather insure good drivers and will provide lower rates for good drivers, but did you know that causing an accident can make your insurance rates nearly double? It is abundantly clear that driving safely is one of the best ways to keep your insurance rates low! To get the most for your money when pricing automobile insurance, be sure to consider the extras that are included with some policies. You can save on towing costs with emergency roadside assistance that is included by some insurers. Others may offer discounts for good drivers or including more than one car on your policy. A simple way to save a bit of money on your auto insurance, is to find out whether the insurance company gives discounts for either paying the entire premium at once (most will give you a small discount for doing this) or taking payments electronically. Either way, you will pay less than shelling out each month's payment separately. One of the best ways to get great deals on automobile insurance is to speak to someone in person or at least on the phone. Insurance is automated and very easy to get online, but actually speaking with someone allows for the back-and-forth Q "�n' A session that may introduce you to some discounts you did not previously know about. It is vital that when making an automobile accident claim, that you have all the information available for the insurance company. Without it, your claim may not go through. Some things you need to have ready for them include the make and year of the car you got into an accident with, how many people were in each car, what kinds of injuries were sustained, and where and when it happened. Know different coverage options, and check to be sure your insurance provides the best coverage. Liability is important both for damage you cause to other people, and damage you cause to yourself or your own property. Other types of coverage that you need include protection from uninsured drivers and damage from fire or other disasters. With many insurance companies, teenagers have to pay more for auto insurance. This is because they are considered to be high risk drivers. In order to make auto insurance more affordable for teenagers, it may be wise to put them on the same insurance as a more experienced drive, such as their mother or father. You might be able to save on auto insurance by obtaining a bundled insurance package. Search for these types of offers, especially those that bundle auto and homeowners insurance. Ensure you are paying an affordable rate for good coverage as sometimes two sets of insurance is the better option. Write down a list of each discount your insurance company offers. Go through that list and put a check mark next to any that apply to you. You might be surprised at how much you can save by claiming discounts. If you want to avoid paying a high premium, don't drive a flashy car. Sports cars and other high performance vehicles, often have premiums that are two or three times larger than that of a standard car. You should also research commonly stolen vehicles and be sure to avoid them. Most insurance companies will charge significantly more to insure these types of cars. When you go hunting for car insurance bargains, do not neglect your employer as a potential source of discounts. Many companies - even relatively small ones - have arrangements with insurers to get volume discounts for their employees. If your employer has such a program in place, you might realize significant savings by taking advantage of it. To ensure you continue to get the best possible car insurance, it is wise to do a little comparison shopping against your current policy from time to time. Doing this about a month before your policy renews is a great strategy. This allows you to take advantage of a better offer or use it to negotiate a new rate with your current insurer. When trying to get affordable auto insurance, keep in mind your state's minimum liability coverage requirements. You need to know what minimums to obtain so that you can get a policy that matches these particular minimums. You can find a list of your state's minimums at your state's insurance commissioner's website. Consider switching your current insurance to a lower coverage policy to save a few more dollars. Depending on your state's insurance requirements and if you are leasing or renting to own a vehicle, you may be able to lower your insurance coverage to save a little extra money each month. If you finance your vehicle, your lender may have requirements governing the level of auto insurance you must maintain during the duration of the loan. Generally, the requirements relate to how high you can have your deductible. Check with your lender before signing a new policy to avoid any conflicts. Ask your auto insurance company if they will give you a discount, due to whatever your chosen profession is. Some companies give rate discounts to customers who work in certain fields because they feel that you are a lower risk, due to your skills or the way that you may live your life. You can protect your car, yourself, and your passengers with the right car insurance coverage. Without it, you could find yourself in serious debt should an accident occur, and possibly even on the wrong side of the law. With the knowledge you have gained from this article, you are now well prepared to look for car insurance.
Auto insurance can include a wide range of coverage, from liability-only to coverage that will fix the smallest dent or scratch on your car's paint job. With auto insurance being required by law in many places, you may be confused as to what kind of coverage you need. This article will explain the basics and help you learn what you need to know about car insurance. Being a careful driver can really save you money on insurance. Obviously, insurers would rather insure good drivers and will provide lower rates for good drivers, but did you know that causing an accident can make your insurance rates nearly double? It is abundantly clear that driving safely is one of the best ways to keep your insurance rates low! To get the most for your money when pricing automobile insurance, be sure to consider the extras that are included with some policies. You can save on towing costs with emergency roadside assistance that is included by some insurers. Others may offer discounts for good drivers or including more than one car on your policy. A simple way to save a bit of money on your auto insurance, is to find out whether the insurance company gives discounts for either paying the entire premium at once (most will give you a small discount for doing this) or taking payments electronically. Either way, you will pay less than shelling out each month's payment separately. One of the best ways to get great deals on automobile insurance is to speak to someone in person or at least on the phone. Insurance is automated and very easy to get online, but actually speaking with someone allows for the back-and-forth Q "�n' A session that may introduce you to some discounts you did not previously know about. It is vital that when making an automobile accident claim, that you have all the information available for the insurance company. Without it, your claim may not go through. Some things you need to have ready for them include the make and year of the car you got into an accident with, how many people were in each car, what kinds of injuries were sustained, and where and when it happened. Know different coverage options, and check to be sure your insurance provides the best coverage. Liability is important both for damage you cause to other people, and damage you cause to yourself or your own property. Other types of coverage that you need include protection from uninsured drivers and damage from fire or other disasters. With many insurance companies, teenagers have to pay more for auto insurance. This is because they are considered to be high risk drivers. In order to make auto insurance more affordable for teenagers, it may be wise to put them on the same insurance as a more experienced drive, such as their mother or father. You might be able to save on auto insurance by obtaining a bundled insurance package. Search for these types of offers, especially those that bundle auto and homeowners insurance. Ensure you are paying an affordable rate for good coverage as sometimes two sets of insurance is the better option. Write down a list of each discount your insurance company offers. Go through that list and put a check mark next to any that apply to you. You might be surprised at how much you can save by claiming discounts. If you want to avoid paying a high premium, don't drive a flashy car. Sports cars and other high performance vehicles, often have premiums that are two or three times larger than that of a standard car. You should also research commonly stolen vehicles and be sure to avoid them. Most insurance companies will charge significantly more to insure these types of cars. When you go hunting for car insurance bargains, do not neglect your employer as a potential source of discounts. Many companies - even relatively small ones - have arrangements with insurers to get volume discounts for their employees. If your employer has such a program in place, you might realize significant savings by taking advantage of it. To ensure you continue to get the best possible car insurance, it is wise to do a little comparison shopping against your current policy from time to time. Doing this about a month before your policy renews is a great strategy. This allows you to take advantage of a better offer or use it to negotiate a new rate with your current insurer. When trying to get affordable auto insurance, keep in mind your state's minimum liability coverage requirements. You need to know what minimums to obtain so that you can get a policy that matches these particular minimums. You can find a list of your state's minimums at your state's insurance commissioner's website. Consider switching your current insurance to a lower coverage policy to save a few more dollars. Depending on your state's insurance requirements and if you are leasing or renting to own a vehicle, you may be able to lower your insurance coverage to save a little extra money each month. If you finance your vehicle, your lender may have requirements governing the level of auto insurance you must maintain during the duration of the loan. Generally, the requirements relate to how high you can have your deductible. Check with your lender before signing a new policy to avoid any conflicts. Ask your auto insurance company if they will give you a discount, due to whatever your chosen profession is. Some companies give rate discounts to customers who work in certain fields because they feel that you are a lower risk, due to your skills or the way that you may live your life. You can protect your car, yourself, and your passengers with the right car insurance coverage. Without it, you could find yourself in serious debt should an accident occur, and possibly even on the wrong side of the law. With the knowledge you have gained from this article, you are now well prepared to look for car insurance.

13 Hewan Eksotis Penguasa Kawasan Arktik

Sebagian besar dari kita tidak akan pernah mengunjungi Lingkaran Arktik - dan penduduk dari wilayah utara yang sangat senang dengan itu. Kita tidak berbicara tentang orang Eskimo tetapi kita sedang berbicara tentang hewan yang yang hidup di Arktik. Meskipun suhu bawah nol dan hutan boreal kasar mungkin tampak suram dan tak kenal ampun, banyak spesies berkembang di tundra yang dingin di Lingkaran Arktik.

Beberapa dari hewan ini Anda mungkin telah melihat sebelumnya, seperti beruang kutub atau burung hantu salju, sementara itu masih banyak lagi yang lain lebih eksotis, seperti "unicorn laut" atau "Lynx Kanada". Nah maka dari itu mari kita pelajari lebih lanjut tentang ini 13 Hewan yang berasal dari kawasan Arktik .

1. Wolverine


Apa yang datang ke pikiran Anda ketika memikirkan seekor Wolverine? Sebuah hewan seperti serigala yang ganas? tapi pada kenyataannya, makhluk ini adalah anggota dari keluarga musang, lebih mirip dengan berang-berang sungai. Tidak seperti superhero film yang menyandang nama yang sama, wolverine tidak memiliki cakar logam ditarik. Memang, bagaimanapun, hewan ini memiliki cakar semitretractable, tetapi ini paling sering digunakan untuk menggali dan mendaki. menurut Layanan US Fish dan Wildlife. 

2. Lynx Kanada


Lynx adalah kucing yang kurang dikenal namun tidak jauh beda dengan kucing yang biasa kita temui, biasanya dalam ukuran kecil. Lynx Kanada memiliki kaki panjang dan cakar yang luas untuk membuat jalan agar lebih mudah melalui salju yang tebal. Makanan utama mereka adalah kelinci snowshoe, sepupu dari kelinci Arktik.

Lynx Kanada menjadi punah di Colorado pada 1970-an, meskipun makhluk ini berhasil diperkenalkan kembali di daerah tersebut. Saat ini, US Fish and Wildlife Service mereka telah terdaftar sebagai binatang yang "terancam" di 48 negara.

3. Angsa Tundra


Angsa Tundra bermigrasi ke Alaska setiap musim semi untuk membangun sarang dan bertelur. Pada musim gugur, spesies ini bermigrasi ke Timur Laut Amerika Serikat, di sepanjang pantai Atlantik dari North Carolina kemudian ke Maryland.

4. Kelinci Arktik


Kelinci Arktik ini dapat ditemukan di daerah Kutub Utara Alaska, Kanada dan Greenland. Pada bulan-bulan musim dingin, bulu tebal kelinci Arktik berubah menjadi putih, yang memungkinkan untuk berbaur dengan salju, tapi di musim panas, bulu tebalnya cokelat keabu-abuan. Kelinci Arktik tidak dianggap sebagai spesies terancam atau hampir punah, tapi bagaimanpun hewan ini hanya dapat ditemukan di kawasan arktik saja.

5. Rubah Merah (Red fox)


Rubah Merah (Red fox) adalah mamalia pada ordo karnivora. Di Britania Raya dan Irlandia, tempat tidak ada lagi canid liar asli, rubah merah disebut "rubah". Rubah ini habitatnya terletak di Kanada, Alaska, Amerika Serikat, Eropa, Afrika Utara dan Asia, termasuk Jepang. Rubah merah diperkenalkan di Australia pada abad ke-19.Seperti namanya, bulu rubah ini berwarna merah kecoklatan.

6. Paus Beluga (Paus Putih)


Paus Beluga atau Paus Putih (Delphinapterus leucas) adalah jenis cetacean yang terdapat di wilayah perairan laut kutub utara dan sekitarnya. Beluga adalah salah satu dari 2 jenis paus keluarga Monodontidae, bersama dengan Narwhal. Mamalia laut ini dikenal secara umum sebagai Beluga atau kenari laut karena ciri khas dari lengkingan suaranya yang tinggi. Panjang Beluga dapat mencapai 5 meter dengan warna tubuh yang putih, sementara kepalanya berbentuk melon.

7. Beruang Kutub (Polar Bear) 


Beruang Kutub (polar bear) atau beruang es atau dalam nama ilmiahnya Ursus maritimus adalah mamalia besar dalam aturan marga keluarga biologi Ursidae. Dia termasuk spesies circumpolar yang terdapat di sekitar benua paling utara bumi, yaitu benua Artik dan termasuk beruang paling karnivora di antara keluarga beruang lainnya. Beruang kutub kadang-kadang juga diklasifikasi sebagai mammalia laut.

8. Karibu (Caribou)


Karibu juga dikenal sebagai rusa, dapat ditemukan di bagian utara dan selatan Alaska, Kanada, Rusia dan Greenland. Ini adalah spesies rusa-satunya di mana kedua perempuan dan laki-laki memiliki tanduk. Karibu dilindungi di bawah Endangered Species Act.

9. Narwhal


Narwhal Disebut "unicorn laut" karena (kadang-kadang sampai 10 meter!) Panjang taring menonjol dari rahang, makhluk yang unik Kutub Utara dapat ditemukan berenang di perairan Greenland dan Kanada. Berburu dan pola pemuliaan narwhals masih merupakan misteri bagi para ilmuwan, meskipun kita tahu bahwa taring mereka tidak digunakan untuk berburu. Makanan mereka sebagian besar terdiri dari cumi-cumi.
10. Burung Hantu Salju (Snowy owl)
Burung hantu salju adalah salah satu burung yang satu-satunya hidup di Arktik sepanjang tahun dan tidak bermigrasi. Ketika burung hantu salju sepenuhnya tumbuh bulu mereka putih murni, tetapi ketika mereka masih bayi bulu-bulu mereka berwarna abu-abu. Burung hantu salju juga spesies burung hantu yang sama sebagai hewan peliharaan yang terkenal Harry Potter, Hedwig.
11. Rubah Arktik (Arctic fox)
Rubah Arktik dapat ditemukan dalam ekosistem Arktik yang paling di belahan bumi utara, bahkan di Islandia ia adalah satu-satunya mamalia darat asli.Mereka tiba di Islandia selama Zaman Es terakhir, di mana ia melakukan perjalanan di atas air beku ke pulau vulkanik. Spesies ini terancam punah rubah di Skandinavia di mana ia telah sangat dilindungi selama beberapa dekade.
12. Great Auk
Great Auk adalah pinguin terbang besar yang menjadi punah pada pertengahan abad ke-19. Ini adalah satu-satunya spesies modern di genus Pinguinus, sekelompok burung yang sebelumnya termasuk salah satu spesies lain dari Auk raksasa terbang dari wilayah Samudera Atlantik. Bila tidak berkembang biak, ia bisa menghabiskan waktu mereka mencari makan di perairan Atlantik Utara, mulai selatan sejauh New England dan utara Spanyol melalui Kanada, Greenland, Islandia, Norwegia, Irlandia, dan Inggris.
13. Atlantic Puffin
Atlantic Puffin adalah spesies burung laut dalam keluarga Auk. Ini adalah burung pelagis yang keahlian utamanya dengan menyelam untuk mencari ikan, tetapi juga makan makhluk laut lainnya, seperti cumi-cumi dan krustasea. Karakteristik yang paling jelas selama musim kimpoi adalah tagihan yang berwarna cerah. Juga dikenal sebagai Puffin umum, itu adalah spesies Puffin-satunya yang ditemukan di Samudra Atlantik. Penampilan aneh burung, dengan tagihan yang besar berwarna-warni dan mencolok bulu belang-belang, telah menimbulkan julukan seperti '"badut laut" dan "burung beo laut".

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